Introducing Mae! At five months old, she is the newest addition to our growing (rescue) pack. Just like Mae West, she's sassy and blonde and is perfect for the part! It is a little too early to tell, but we are thinking that she is probably part
Carolina Dog.The very morning I was pulling out of the driveway to take Tiger to his first Heartworm injection appointment, I saw a little blonde puppy in the front yard flower bed. She was skinny, covered in fleas and ticks, but smiling from (big) ear to (big) ear. I got out of the car slowly, not wanting to scare her away. I sat down in the grass and she came running over to me, happy as a lark. She put her front paws on my shoulders and I knew I couldn't just walk away.
We searched for any signs of identification and posted an ad online, though frankly she was so starving and neglected at 5 months that I would have struggled giving her back even if an owner had been located. Just as in the case with Tiger, originally I took her in wanting to find her a new, stable family to take the best care of her possible- and she found one after all.. with me!
**Update on Mae**
Mae is adjusting/has adjusted faster than I ever imagined! When we took her to the vet, there were (miraculously) no real concerns. She was treated for her fleas and some pesky Hookworms- and I just recently got her spayed. Mae loves to play with other dogs, especially Tiger and my sister's dog, Margot. She's a crazy little lady and I feel so blessed that I found her in the flower beds!