Today I ran into a group of folks traveling the country, moving to end hunger across America. They call themselves 2nd Chances; Free Food Kitchens. We got to talking and I took my camera along for the conversation.
I was invited to see the inside of their bus which was fully stocked with food and supplies and somehow also managed to house at least 8 people (along with dogs and other pets). The ceiling of the bus was decorated with signatures of people they had met along their movement, and I am happy to say that my name is now one of them.
Atlanta is next on their feeding tour and then they're heading to the coast. If you see them along your way be sure to stop and say hello. Donations (food or money) are welcome!I was invited to see the inside of their bus which was fully stocked with food and supplies and somehow also managed to house at least 8 people (along with dogs and other pets). The ceiling of the bus was decorated with signatures of people they had met along their movement, and I am happy to say that my name is now one of them.