Tiger is a four year old Plott hound mix who I rescued from the Mobile Animal Shelter (two weeks ago, yesterday). An old friend of mine is affiliated with animal shelters and helps find homes for dogs on the euthanization lists. She posted a photo of him on Facebook, explaining that he had only one more day to find a new home or at least a foster parent. To make matters worse, he was not getting much adoption attention at the shelter since he was no longer a puppy.
I was torn about taking in a new dog since I did not want to seem disrespectful to Basil, my beloved Boxer who passed away in January (see previous posts). After some soul searching though, I realized that I couldn't think of it that way.. instead, there was a dog with only hours remaining in his life and I needed to step up to help.
Now, two weeks later, Tiger has had a new awakening in life. He has taken a strong liking and attachment to me. I offer stability and continue to work and rehabilitate him. Steven has become attached to him as well, so we are sharing the guardian role.. in fact, he has spent the week with him up in Memphis. We look forward to sharing our love with Tiger and giving him a new lease on life!
**Update on Tiger**
Now, three weeks to the day, here is an update. Steven and I took Tiger to the vet to inquire after his lingering cough and to administer a standard heartworm test. Much to all of our surprise, Tiger's blood tested positive for adult heartworm disease. The vet suspected he was infected at least six months ago due to the adult worm stage.
While tackling heartworm disease is a long and expensive process, it is not a hopeless venture. The medication will arrive in the next week or two and we will begin the 3 to 4 month process. Steven and I will not give up on him like others in his past.. just more reason not to look back, only to look forward in his new (and better) life.